Teachers can annotate on live images captured by the L-12 while the image is displayed on a large screen. Partner the L-12 with the ELMO CRA-1 Tablet for dynamic smooth- owing lessons. Contact Support for details.) Doubleu casino promo code 2018 robux.The ELMO L-12 Interactive Document Camera is one of our most affordable and interactive document cameras on the market today. (TT-12F, PX-10E, PX-30E, MA-1 and MO-2 may require a firmware update. Supported Browsers: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge (2020), Brave, Opera, Vivaldi Panchatantra stories for kids.

Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10 | MacOS 10.13 and higher | Chrome OS 66 and higher | Android 5.1.1 and higher Image Mate Software For Elmo Tt-02rx Elmo Image Mate App Features include: Draw, Highlight, Erase, Screenshot, Freeze Frame, Zoom In/Zoom Out, and Import from File. Image Mate + Cloud can be used on its own or paired with your favorite ELMO document camera. Image Mate + Cloud is perfect for on-the-go presentations or when you don’t have access to our full Image Mate or ELMO Interactive Toolbox software. Image Mate + Cloud is a web-based version of our Image Mate software. Software: Image Mate Ver.2.08 Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 Image Mate Ver.1.05 OS X 10.5.8 and Higher: Manuals: Brochure TT-02S: How to use the ELMO with SMART Notebook™ 11: TT-02S Manual: Troubleshooting Articles: No Image from Document Camera output ×. Image Mate Accent A tool which allows wireless tablet to annotate on the live or captured images. Using this tool you can import and work with different images formats. Image Mate Accent is an accompaniment software which allows the wireless tablet to annotate on the live or captured images projected by a visualizer.